Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Going Home

Western culture tells us when we have a problem that we should keep moving forward and that moving forward equals moving away. As my professor said, perhaps western society's need to keep moving comes from the exile from Eden. We are told to wander and can never go home. Or perhaps it comes from the Puritans who came to this country to escape England's religious intolerance. (note: they did not come to a new land to be tolerant of other people's religion- they just wanted a place to practice their own without interference)

No matter what the cause, we equate moving away with moving forward. I would not live in Hastings again because in my mind, to move back home to where I grew up would mean I have not moved forward. I would still simply be at home. But perhaps this isn't true. Perhaps movement from one place to another simply hides our failures. We pack up and leave them behind.

The explorer in me whole heartedly disagrees with this conclusion. To move around the world is to broaden one's experience. I will meet more people, be introduced to more cultures, and have those experiences to compare to my home and the values I grew up with. I will be challenged by ideas and ways of life that are not my own.

Where is this coming from? In Native American Literature which is the focus of the class I am currently taking, home is the place you want to be. It allows you to look into not only your present, but also your past. My question is this: Is identity where you came from or is it what you become? In Native American literature, it is both. The people who you live with and grow with are vital and home is a place where one can explore their history and therefore understand the future.

I don't relate to this but there is something comforting about it. I would like to be so invested in my family history that it tells me who I am. My English roots. My Hungarian. My Irish. All of these things combining to create me and my identity. Instead, I am detached. I am none of those things, or simply happen to be them by chance. I must be cast out into the world to find who I am among strangers, and foreign places. I must explore the unknown to contrast my views with others. That is how I know myself- by comparing what I believe to the ways of other cultures. Home will teach me no more than it did when I grew up, or perhaps it would if I only let it. But for me, moving forward is moving away physically. My western mind knows no other way.


At 1:46 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Little miss judgemental. Moving home isn't so bad. Moving 10 miles away isn't exactly starting anew. One day I'll move far far away but until then I shall live at home like a sucker and travel the world. Remember those days when you and Gary were sleeping in the basement in space saving up for your abode. I'm doing the same minus the spider infested basement and the sci-fi sheets. Apparently I'm saving up for cars instead of a house. OK so maybe it's not really the same, you can draw your own parallels.

At 6:31 AM, Blogger Ali said...

Hey there brother. I think you missed the point of my post and took it a bit too personally. I was commenting on the differences between two cultures. In fact, I believe I said that moving home can be a great way to understand your identity. I just said for me and my mind, moving and traveling is a way of moving "forward." However, it is only location that is being changed- example: when people write stories or movies about car trips, it is to simulate movement because they have no other way to move the story along. I believe I also stated the silliness of my conclusion and how I wish I could see the beauty in personal history that other cultures do.

I wasn't commenting on anyone specifically- but instead on a mind frame and how there are two schools of thought.
1. Moving away to learn about oneself.
2. Moving home to understand familial history.
I said which I associate to, not which one I believe to be better. You can live at home and still travel and be exposed to new ideas. And you do- you travel 2 months out of the year, but I know you will not end up living in Hastings. You are doing it right now because you value other things more than the location of where you sleep. You are close to work, and have friends in Ct, NYC, and Westchester. Some people stay in their home town or move back to save and prepare for leaving. Some stay because they love it and want to be close to their roots and their families. Both can help a person grow. In any case, stop being sensitive. I wasn't bashing your life style. I was talking about literary life choices.


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