Thursday, September 22, 2005


This post will not make sense to anyone (well, one person). But I feel the need to document it. To simply write a few words based on some massive changes that have taken place this week. Perhaps 'changes' is an incorrect description, but a shift has taken place all the same.

Plosk told me he would show me something on his computer dated from last November. This was after I told him my true feelings when I use the word "vomit" to describe a topic that keeps coming up again and again. He saw this as an opening to broach a topic that has been on his mind for almost a year now. Feelings that went through my head: excitement, fear, confusion, and perhaps every other emotion possible. My life is not as I imagined it. It is better than I could have hoped. Things have moved so quickly since I graduated college and now, there are other goals I have. To be published, to get my masters, to become a professor, and to be in a relationship that I can trust completely. All of these are in the works, and one has already been tackled. Deep breath. Can't slow down now.


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