An evening well spent
After blood work, and a trip to midtown comics and basically getting out and moving around, my mood vastly improved. We went to Anthropologie, used our credit, and then phoned Alice to go and hang at their place for dinner. Thank goodness. In fact, thank goodness I had blood work otherwise I would have stayed home and felt terrible without anything to help lift me back up.
Plosk, Eric, Marie Alice and I ate pizza, talked, played taboo, watched Battlestar, and oh yeah- had a failed game of scrabble because no one wants to play with me:( Apparently my scrabble skills are too advanced and by my third turn neither Alice or Marie wanted to be beaten quite so badly. I had warned them how much I play, but it appears as if my warnings were not heard. Alas. I'll just have to keep playing with Rita. It was however a really fun evening where we all just relaxed and let the night flow. Very happy we went.
On another note - completely separate- since P and I have moved into 11o1, a strange development has occurred. WE GOT MARRIED! Um, no. But everyone thinks we have. I keep getting referred to as, "oh your wife," and people keep saying about P, "Oh, your husband." Our neighbor put it best as our doorman said something to me about my husband..."I didn't know you guys got married. I'm your neighbor and you don't even tell me." He was joking of course. We live in an older building and one might say that the older generation thinks that when two people involved buy a place to live together, that they would be or should be married. This argument would be valid, if other younger people didn't also make the same assumption. At the hardware store, the guy who helped us with our paint asked (directly after hitting on me right in front of P) for Gary's phone number for a return, 'but not to worry he wouldn't use it to bother his wife.' There I am again, a wife. Am I matronly all of the sudden? Am I wearing an invisible ring? I'm going with the theory that he and I look very happy and very comfortable and therefore people assume that we have crossed into marriage. Well, when I was younger I never even thought I would get married. Now that I'm 23, marriage is a reality but not one that is in my immediate future. I've taken a huge step and live and share a life, and a bank account with my boyfriend and partner. But to set the record straight, I'm no wife just yet.